Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac? 1

Submitted By: Bill Egeln
Date Submitted: 5/14/2003 8:42 pm
Status: Approved
Views: 3166
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I recently moved into a new house outside Charlotte, NC.  The yard has been unkept for years, so I have been doing a lot of cleaning up.  This weekend I caught a bad case of poison ivy.  I haven't had it for probaly 25 years and i forgot how miserable it can be.

Anyway, now I am paranoid.  I am submitting several pics for your review.  I just want to be sure before I start weeding some more.  Also, if it is one of the poison cousins, do you have any tips as to how to get rid of it without killing the other plants?  Thanks.