Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Submitted By: Lance Overstreet
Date Submitted: 6/26/2003 3:04 am
Status: Approved
Views: 2997
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I am hoping you can verify a couple of items for me. I am helping coodinate missions tours on Grand Bahama Island. One item that we recieve requests for from churches quite often is for the groups to help out in property maintenance. This last week while clearing an area with machetes. During which we came into contact with Poison ivy,oak or sumac. The rashes fit the profile. I went back after some recovery time and took pictures to try to verify what it was we got into. In hopes of preventing it later. The picture labelled p_wood is what I was told by a native Bahamian that caused the problem, but it doesn't fit the three leaf profile. I also found what I thought might be Poison oak but it too didn't have three leafs and then there were a couple of other items in the vacinity I wasn't sure of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
