Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Do I have Poison Ivy in my backyard...

Submitted By: Karin L
Date Submitted: 6/16/2003 9:15 pm
Status: Approved
Views: 3426
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I just moved into my newly purchased home in Virginia Beach, VA, and within one month, I developed a small itchy spot on my arm which resembled a spider bite. I had it a week, them seemingly overnight, I had a rash all over my body which was red and streaky. I developed small clusters of clear blisters and small red bumps all over my body. I've suffered with this for 3 weeks, and in trying to figure out where I would have come into contact with a poisonous plant, it dawned on me that my dogs may have brought it in from the backyard. I investigated, and sure enough, this is what I found. I have a huge bush of it which is growing out of a stump, and large quantities along my back fence. Is this poison Ivy, and if so, what do you suggest to get rid of it. I took these pics, so they are not copyrighted, and you may feel free to use them on your site so others can learn from them. I have quite a few pics, so here they are one at a time. Karin
