Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Very big Poison Ivy (?)

Submitted By: Royal Taylor
Date Submitted: 8/24/2003 11:24 am
Status: Approved
Views: 6825
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These pictures are from what I believe is PI growing in my backyard. Surrounding the plant are Cedar, a Blackberry bush, a Rhododendron and an Apple tree.

In the first picture if you look very hard, you can see the PI has gown up about 10' high in the Cedar.

The second picture shows a nice set of aerial rootlets. There is so much of it in one area, I'm not sure if this is a different plant or the same as in Pic1.

Pic3 shows one of the leaves is about 6" long. This is not the biggest leaf. I would have had to climb right in the middle of the thing to measure it. I estimate the biggest is about 9" long!!

Pic4 shows a closup of the stalk and some berries.

Pic5 shows a bunch of leaves, and berries. To the right you can see some of the Blackberries, and to the lower left one of the Rhododendron clusters.

Lastly, Pic6 shows a very big cluster of berries. I'm sure the birds will pig out once they are ripe!

I live in SW Pennsylvania. These pictures are mine and were taken on Aug 24th. Lastly, please feel free to publish these pictures.

Finally, is this all Poison Ivy or some elaborate imposter?

