Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Could it possibly be itchy?

Submitted By: Talitha R.
Date Submitted: 7/16/2003 0:19 am
Status: Approved
Views: 4578
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I was out golfing in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. I went searching for my stray golf balls, and i guess i walked in some poison ivy. I never did see the plant. Too many vines walking through the trees. The worst reaction I had was on the back of my leg behind my knee, but I also had it on my one arm and hand and spots on both legs. I had to take prednezone and antihistamines and use a hydrocortisone cream. The prednezone worked awesome. Five pills and it was healing very well, but then i had a second reaction for some reason and it started breaking out again in different places, but the antihistamines seemed to solve that. So about four weeks later I can finally shave my whole leg with no problem. haha.....good ol' poison ivy. Why doesn't anybody like it? i just can't figure it out.....haha
