Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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Poison Dude

Submitted By: Mike P.
Date Submitted: 7/3/2003 0:55 am
Status: Approved
Views: 3383
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Hi! I call myself Poison Dude because it seems I've always got the darn stuff. Well I did, so far, get away pretty lucky this time. I've had it where I was concerned I may loose a limb, seriously, those of us that get it badly know what I'm talking about. I seem to get it systemicly and it seems as though an infection usually comes with the deal. My skin or body part seems to swell way up, turn red, at times purple and the skin gets tight to the point it hurts and gets very shiny, in addition to the usual fun things the rash does. I've been dealing with this since I was a kid, my Mom used to wrap me in sheets it got so bad. Well I'm 45 now and still gettin it. Poison plants 40, me 0. Man I hate this stuff... Enjoy the pix.

For the people running this site. These are my own photos of my arm. You may use them as you wish including placing them on your web site or in any other way you choose. The poison rash also gives it's approval.