Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

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The last pic of my problem...

Submitted By: Casey Harris
Date Submitted: 6/27/2003 9:38 am
Status: Approved
Views: 3383
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I have been expoed to something nasty in a new yard of mine(or so I think). I live just outside of Dallas, TX... so here is the problem... I am now running the course of a secondary exposure (or primary re-exposure) to something I seem to be quite allergic to.... I suspect poison oak or ivy. I have three photos.... Poison3.jpg isn't really a threat... I am not real familiar with poison sumac, but I know I cut a WHOLE LOT of this stuff up with my weed eater on the initial exposure date. Just tell me this isn't poison sumac. There will be two more submissions since I can only do one photo at a time.