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Submitted by: JSaling
Date Submitted: 6/23/2003
Location: Central Ky
Question Asked: Is this it Fred?... We live in Central Ky. This is what has been breaking me and my family out for years. Huge blistery sections along with pumpkin face swelling. Hospitalized, shots and steriods. Can't get near it, much less touch it. This pic. is on the barn in my back yard. The same thing was on the tree at our other house that broke me out everytime I cut the grass. So if it is Vir.Creeper...It hates us.
Answer: Wow that's some vine. I don't think I've seen virginia creeper vines so big and healthy. It's VERY interesting to me the numbers of people who break out when in contact with this plant. I can tug at it all day without issue (and seems like I do since its so invasive here). Before doing this website, I was in the camp of "virginia creeper is harmless". No more!
Hey Fred - could there have been virginia creeper in that pile? |