Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Brian Howe
Date Submitted: 6/20/2003
Location: not given

Question Asked: This series of four photos starts with the vines crawling up a large tree. Then I shot the suspect vines on the ground near the tree (#2), then in a nearby cover bed (#3) and finally further away from the tree. Looks like the stuff to me

Answer: Hi Brian -

Great pictures of poison ivy. Notice the woody vines, this is quite a healthy vine (or bunch of vines) climbing the tree. Great pictures of what I guess are the just beginning to grow drupes (fruit). The color is a good indicator here as well. We also see a number of black dots on damaged leaflets - likely oxidized urushiol oil (which turns black). If you choose to remove the plant, take care as there is quite a bit here.