Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Jennifer
Date Submitted: 6/19/2003
Location: Norman, Oklahoma

Question Asked: First picture: This is growing under a small lilac tree in our backyard in Norman, Oklahoma.

Second picture: This is growing under a silver maple in our backyard in Norman, Oklahoma. It looks a bit like the Virginia Creeper on our back fence, but has some differences. Can you identify it?

This plant is growing along the front side of our house in Norman, Oklahoma. I also found some of it creeping up through some tall wild grass we have planted in front.

Answer: Hi Jennifer -

For the first picture - it's not a plant I recognize right off and I don't have enough detail to make an accurate id. I will say though that it's not poison ivy or its cousins.

For the second picture - Yup that is virginia creeper. This plant has been chewed on by insects - perhaps leaf-cutter bees, catepillers, slugs, etc.

For the third picture - that looks like it may be hog peanut. This is a wild, vining plant.