Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Ryan Godfrey
Date Submitted: 6/16/2003
Location: Salt Lake City Utah

Question Asked: I just took these pictures of this plant growing near my apartment door in Salt Lake City Utah. The yard has a lot of weeds and I am not sure if this is poison ivy or just another weed?

Answer: Hi Ryan -

Just another weed - this is Virginia Creeper. This woody vine loves to grow in similar areas to poison ivy, poison oak. Interestingly, I've seen this plant purposefully cultivated in Alberta, Canada. Around here (Mid-Atlantic), it's considered just another invasive weed. The most prominent feature of Virginia Creeper is its palmated leaf - the 5 leaflets are arranged in a manner where it resembles the palm and fingers of a hand.