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Submitted by: Kat Gamzon
Date Submitted: 6/12/2003
Location: Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Question Asked: I recently bought a house which had a tree stump in the back yard. This spring irises and other flowers bloomed around the base. It started to look like the tree was coming back to life and has now taken the form of a bush. Please let me know if the stump is poisonous. This is in Anne Arundel County maryalnd just south of Baltimore. Thanks for your help! Kat
Answer: Hi Kat -
That is one healthy poison ivy vine (or vines). In these sort of disturbed yet open areas, the plants thrive. Our very soggy spring hasn't helped matters as I've seen some of the largest vines I've ever seen lately (I'm in northern Virginia). The whitish-greenish small flowers in axilliary clusters is the tip. Axillliary means at the angle where the leafstalk meets the stem/vine. This is a trait of poison ivy, oak and sumac that the flowers are on clusters coming from that point where the leaf meets the stem on the plant.