Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  David Cheek
Date Submitted: 6/11/2003
Location: Goliad County, Texas

Question Asked: No question asked as David knew what he was looking at. Here are his comments:

Photo 1: This is a photo of "our friend" climbing a Huisache tree in Goliad County, Texas. Right next to it and intertwined with it is a Mustang Grape vine. This poison ivy plant has climed to the very top of the tree (about 20').

Photo 2: This is a close-up photo of poison ivy climbing an oak tree.

Photo 3: This is a photograph of poison ivy invading a post oak tree in Goliad County, Texas. There are so many poison ivy leaves that the ivy is providing almost as much shade canopy as the oak leaves. The tree is about 35-40 feet in height and the poison ivy has climed to near the top of the tree.
