Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Scott
Date Submitted: 5/31/2003
Location: not given

Question Asked: What we thought was poison ivy, probably isn't. Now we've got this thing growing in our front yard by our front fence. Other pic's. gave the impression that it is poison oak. Please, clarify for us.

Answer: Hi Scott -

There was some earlier confusion as to which was poison ivy and which was poison oak. I'm going through the website this week to weed out any misleading information. From the looks of what you sent me, this is poison ivy. Poison oak truly does look more "oak-y" in the leaves. Poison ivy leaflets take on a number of different shapes but has an overall general recognizable shape. I'm guessing based on your pictures that you are somewhere along the middle to middle-east of the country (Texas perhaps?)