Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Justin
Date Submitted: 5/24/2003
Location: north part of Texas

Question Asked: There is a vine growing on my fence that has leaves that look like poison ivy. I live In the north part of Texas. i have been back there a couple of times and have broken out with a rash similar to the photos that you have on this website. if you could help me out i would really appreciate it.

Answer: Hi Justin - certainly looks like poison ivy to me. In both pictures you can see the aerial rootlets on the woody vine. The 3 leaflet leaves have the right shape. Interesting that the middle leaf looks like a 3 fingered hand - I just did another plant id for poison ivy in the Houston area which had a similar look.

You'll want to get rid of this plant I'm sure. Be sure to get up the root as well otherwise this will be back to plague you.