Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  James Taber
Date Submitted: 5/23/2003
Location: Wichita, Kansas

Question Asked: This was found in the middle of my yard, I reside in Wichita, KS. I am wanting to know if it is poison oak, ivy, ect.

Answer: james - the first picture didn't show enough detail but the second and third pictures did the trick. I believe you have poison ivy. Poison oak leaves are more "oak-y" looking. Poison ivy grows well in disturbed ground - this is a garden? The coloring here looks to be spring (reddish new leaves). The third picture is a nice shot as you can see good leaf detail. Notice that the vine is woody looking. I don't see aerial rootlets but the picture angle wouldn't allow that. Time to get out the Roundup or other plant killer and see about removing these little pests.