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Submitted by: Steve Bryant
Date Submitted: 5/19/2003
Location: Mississippi
Question Asked: I have several pine trees on my property (in Mississippi) that have been swallowed up by these vines. They are evidently very old... the base of the largest vine is 3"-4" across.
Answer: Steve - thanks for some fantastic pictures. You are right that these are poison ivy vines. What's interesting about these vines is how far they will branch from the host tree. It creates another canopy in the pine tree. I've seen these plants envelope entirely a host (dead or alive) and give the appearance of a poison ivy tree. If you plan on removing these vines be very careful - don't use power tools that can send bits of plant and urushiol oil into the air. A handsaw is your best bet. Just cut a 2' section out of the vine, pry it off the pine tree, and dispose of properly. The vine will die out.
Love the picture of the poison ivy drupes. Birds and other animals love these. |