Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is this?


Subject: reply
Author: gary
Date: 7/16/2004 6:20 pm
Views: 16974
Status: Approved
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yes it is posion ivy. posion ivy has 3 leaves,posion oak has 5, and sumac has i think 14 leaves on one branch. they all have the same stuff in them that makes u have an alregic reaction. if u put alcohol on the rash it will go away faster but i woulndt do it if you dont handle pain well.

reply (Approved)gary7/16/2004 6:20 pm
  Re: reply (Approved)Jennica3/7/2014 6:46 am
    Re: Short middle stem (Approved)Amy7/12/2016 8:31 pm