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Author: Kimberly
Date: 5/29/2011 10:37 am
Views: 6760
Status: Approved
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I'd really like to know the possibility of a recurring ivy rash, also. 2 years ago I got a small amount of what I thought was poison ivy on my back. It went away and it has been coming back sporadically and randomly, ever since. Sometimes it will only be a few weeks in between the break outs, sometimes a few months. It seems with each new break out, the affected area is bigger and worse. The original size of the affected area was about the size of a half dollar (very small in comparison with most) but today I have a break out the size of a softball. It is always in the same spot on my back, never anywhere else. I pop the little blisters because it doesn't seem to clear up until I do. I try to keep the liquid cleaned off my skin as best as possible, just in case there is a possibility that it causes it to spread. I can't find any other rash out there that is similar to what I'm experiencing, so I am convinced it has to be a recurring outbreak of poison ivy/oak/whatever.

DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)SPIRO5/12/2010 8:23 am
  Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Brian5/13/2010 10:10 am
  Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Lora 5/17/2010 10:00 pm
  Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Hace6/2/2010 10:13 am
    Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Mike6/2/2010 11:31 am
      Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)mindy6/17/2010 4:03 pm
        Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Christi5/21/2011 0:52 am
          Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Kimberly5/29/2011 10:37 am
            Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Al6/30/2012 10:35 am
              Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Terry9/14/2013 5:07 pm
                Re: DOES IT COME BACK? (Approved)Brian9/20/2013 8:14 am