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Re: how long does it take to heal?

Subject: Re: how long does it take to heal?
Author: William
Date: 4/14/2011 9:18 pm
Views: 5390
Status: Approved
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ya hydrocortisone is definitely your best option. i just read on web md that touch to others or your self wont spread it but im not sure if thats true. i think it might be that when its moist it spreads, so dont scratch. i have it right now and its pretty bad but its going away and should be gone in a day or so. best of luck.

how long does it take to heal? (Approved)Molly7/30/2003 3:33 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)dragon8/1/2003 3:09 am
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Nita8/2/2003 7:55 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Samantha8/2/2003 3:45 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)tara8/6/2003 4:04 pm
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Visitor11/25/2007 9:57 am
      Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Visitor4/25/2010 2:03 pm
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Violetta4/4/2011 0:26 am
  Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)William4/14/2011 9:18 pm
    Re: how long does it take to h (Approved)Chris12/29/2011 6:24 pm