Melissa, this sounds so similar to my case. It's all over, my back too. Finally went to the doctor yesterday as I had it for two weeks with no relief. The doctor put me on prednisone pills for 9 days, said to take 50 mgs of benadryl every 4 to 6 hours to help with the itching. And if THAT did not stop the itiching, to take 1 zyrtec every 24 hours. Because I had a secondary rash, I think for the Technu products, I felt like a doctor needed to see it.
It sounds like you have seen a doctor, so that's good. My doctor suggested to stop the calomine lotion and all the drying agents on the skin (Calidrel, Calomine, etc.) and go with the oral antihistimines. I have actually had better luck with that today. The secondary infection is not good news, but you are on meds for that too. This is the first time I've had it, so what an experience too! Reading on this site suggests that it peaks in about 5 days and can last up to 3 weeks, if you are lucky and the meds work the first time around. Oh, I bet you are not sleeping well either, and I finally resorted to a half sleeping pill and that helped. Hope you're better, and let me know what ends up working for you. Rita