Okay, count both myself and my wife in this group of virginia creeper haters. In fact, this website just settled a long-running debate we have had over poison plants.
My wife grew up in rural Pennsylvania, and has always cautioned me against this five-leafed plant, as she believed it was another type of poison ivy/oak, having had bad reactions to it. I brushed always brushed off her opinion, as I was confident poison only occurred in leaves of three. Brushing aside your wife's opinion can be hazardous to your health. I have now had multiple encounters with this vile weed, and had horrific reactions that were only moderately helped with over-the-counter stuff. Had to get Prednisone steroid prescriptions on several occasions to rid myself of it.
Just to reinforce this point, I was nowhere near poison ivy, oak, or sumac, and I can identify that stuff very well. |