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Please ID these photos

Subject: Please ID these photos
Author: mbatte
Date: 7/10/2009 7:27 pm
Views: 5462
Status: Approved
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The photos are from Ontario, Canada. We have a lot of English ivy and another type of climbing ivy along a concrete retaining wall, and I think there is some poison ivy growing along it. At times it is climbing the wall horizontally, and other times vertically, along with the other vines.

Please let me know what you think.


Link: www[DOT]flickr[DOT]com/photos/matthew_batterton/

Please ID these photos (Approved)mbatte7/10/2009 7:27 pm
  Re: Please ID these photos (Approved)mbatte7/11/2009 6:23 pm
  Re: Please ID these photos (Approved)Brian7/16/2009 4:12 pm
    Re: Please ID these photos (Approved)mbatte7/16/2009 9:35 pm