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Poison Ivy - day 10

Subject: Poison Ivy - day 10
Author: Keith
Date: 6/6/2007 12:30 pm
Views: 6520
Status: Approved
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unfortunately I pulled poison ivy vines on memorial day not realizing until too late. Ended up breaking out mildly but one area on my wrist is real bad - blistered..etc.etc. Tried many OTC nothing worked. Two days ago noticed that other areas started to show (there were other areas originally, forearm, knee - but additional places were popping up). Went to the doc -gave me Rx for Prednisone - 12 days starting with 60mg reducing every day by 5mg. Day 3 - doesn't seem like the prednisone is having an effect - other spots still coming out. Any suggestions??

Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Keith6/6/2007 12:30 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)ohmy6/7/2007 8:58 am
    Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Keith6/7/2007 10:29 am
  Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Rene6/7/2007 2:58 pm
    Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Jenn6/9/2007 4:14 am
      Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Joseph6/10/2007 1:59 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)snapperblue6/13/2007 11:21 am
    Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Erin6/18/2007 11:59 am
  Re: Poison Ivy - day 10 (Approved)Devlin7/17/2007 8:15 pm