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Why don't I get Poison Ivy Reaction?

Subject: Why don't I get Poison Ivy Reaction?
Author: PittCaleb
Date: 6/3/2007 10:39 am
Views: 6978
Status: Approved
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A friend and I spent all Memorial Day weekend hiking together. We were side by side GeoCaching for 3 full days, walking through obvious Poison Ivy patches, etc.

He is covered head to toe with rash, starting the day after exposure. He even tried treating himself in the field. I on the other hand have not a single patch of reddness, irritation or itchy'ness.

Can anyone explain this please?


Why don't I get Poison Ivy Rea (Approved)PittCaleb6/3/2007 10:39 am
  Re: Why don't I get Poison Ivy (Approved)Betsy D.6/5/2007 7:51 pm