Usually a bout with Poison Ivy takes me weeks to get over. I was cleaning and shining old money with TARN-X tarnish remover when by accident I got some on an Ivy rash that had just started. Itch stopped in minuets. I have had Ivy rashes few more times since and after using the Tarn-X, I am healed. No, weeks of itching and bubbly rashes. Over 40 years I have battled Poison Ivy rashes, thinking the rash was winning. Tarn-X is my medicine of choice for now own. Ivy cure in hours. Tarn-X is a mild acid which slightly burns broken skin. It�s worth the burn. The Tarn-X tarnish remover warns that the state of California suspects a chemical used in it can cause cancer.
As fast as it seems to heal, I�ll chance the cancer.