We just moved to Pennsylvania. Bought a yard that had been neglected for 3 years.. I had taken pictures of a LOVELY vine growing up the side of our shed and was told it was Virginia creeper so I was working around this stuff and digging under it etc.. well I have spent the last 2 months on prednezone. the first dose pack seemed to just let it rest with in 4 hours of taking the last pill it started showing up in areas that had not been effected. Dr said it went systemic, after Saying OH MY GOD! when he seen me.. well next was 28 days of steroids.. I have been done that for a week now.. and the Poison Ivy is showing up again in places where it had just started showing when I started the second set of meds. YAY.. at this point I don't know what to do.. I am told by a relative that he got it real bad and has had it re occur in patches over his body off and on for over 3 years, with no repeat exposure. I am praying he was just enjoying torturing me!
I went to a Dermitologist who said the 6 day dose packs are not enough to "cure" a bad exposure to poison ivy..
As for scarring yes one of the Big original blisters on my wrist bone is definatly scarred its lumpy and will get red then look normal again. |