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re-exposure or delayed occurrence?

Subject: re-exposure or delayed occurrence?
Author: don
Date: 7/19/2006 2:52 pm
Views: 9046
Status: Approved
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Hi everyone,

I'm faced with the dilemna of not knowing where I found the poison ivy that has been pestering me. The first blisters appeared one week ago (left hand) and just yesterday they finally lost their water and have started to heal. However, I am still finding small blisters and red marks on other parts of my body (right hand, right hip). These marks are much smaller than the original ones, but they are definitely blisters. I'm not sure if these newer blisters are from the initial spreading of the oil or if I am still coming in contact with material still containing the oil. I have washed clothes etc. Is there a timeline to be able to distinguish between these two potential sources of the blisters? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


re-exposure or delayed occurre (Approved)don7/19/2006 2:52 pm
  Re: re-exposure or delayed occ (Approved)Jean7/22/2006 10:26 am