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Re: Poisen Ivy!! Help please!

Subject: Re: Poisen Ivy!! Help please!
Author: Patti
Date: 4/20/2006 9:33 pm
Views: 6524
Status: Approved
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I would suggest doctor visit... I got poison oak really, really bad. Looked like I just walked off sci-fi channel. Bad on face; eyes, nose, neck. It seemed like I had gone swimming in the stuff. It was in places should not have been... Swelling, burning, itching, etc. Steroid shot - usually do when around face. Within hour swelling down! Oral prednisone for 2 weeks. Have less then week to go... Shot Thurs. and within two days out in public and I looked almost normal.

Poisen Ivy!! Help please! (Approved)Ivy4/20/2006 11:29 am
  Re: Poisen Ivy!! Help please! (Approved)Patti4/20/2006 9:33 pm