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Re: How do I get PI off my dog & out of my house

Subject: Re: How do I get PI off my dog & out of my house
Author: peggy
Date: 3/21/2006 6:03 pm
Views: 5286
Status: Approved
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I have a choc lab, Sarah. I stick her in the shower with me (hand held shower) and soap both of us with Fels Naptha for a good long time, then rinse us both off, towel her off - put towel in the wash immediately and then re shower myself with fels naptha. Sounds weird but works ... Good luck!

How do I get PI off my dog & o (Approved)shawna12/24/2005 4:49 am
  Re: How do I get PI off my dog (Approved)peggy3/21/2006 6:03 pm