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Re: PI from person to person?

Subject: Re: PI from person to person?
Author: Marc
Date: 1/4/2006 0:34 am
Views: 3824
Status: Approved
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Once it gets bonded to skin (probably 6 hours tops), it doesn't usually transmit from person to person. If your friend was infected, it's more likely that they touched something in their house/car (like the door knob, faucet, couch) after their exposure and left enough residual oil to cause the reaction.

It is really hard to figure out where the oil came from after exposure, but it will persist on tools, clothes, shoes, furniture, pets....pretty much anything. It takes very little to cause the reaction. It require meticulous cleaning of everything if you have been exposed, and since it can take up to 72 hours for a rash to appear there is a lot of time to spread oil around before you panic and steam clean the entire house :-)

PI from person to person? (Approved)Rachael12/28/2005 2:53 am
  Re: PI from person to person? (Approved)Marc1/4/2006 0:34 am
    Re: PI from person to person? (Approved)Cindy in Atlanta1/4/2006 8:18 pm