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Re: Longest documented cases?

Subject: Re: Longest documented cases?
Author: Debbie
Date: 9/28/2005 6:35 pm
Views: 4774
Status: Approved
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Hi Jesse. I was wondering if you have seen a dermatologist during one of your last outbreaks? From what you have said and the info I have researched, it is possible you have a skin disease or atopic deramtitis not related to poison ivy. There is no way you would be getting outbreaks 8 months later. In fact, from my research online, it appears the only way poison ivy can go "systemic" is when it is inhaled from smoke. Otherwise, it is not absorbed throughout the body and remains in the skin ONLY. Every time someone gets a severe case of PI, they always think it is systemic. The answer to this is, it is not inside their bodies, but when they were exposed to the urushiol oil, more skin was poisoned and thus a larger outbreak, perhaps in areas that are "unexplainable". The oil is invisible to the naked eye, and you could touch many, many places on yourself with it on your hands, and get PI outbreak on body parts that were never "exposed" (like your private areas and skin that was covered with clothing).

Here are some possibilities: atopic dermatitis (allergic reaction to an irritant, and that could be from a whole slew of things) eczema, or chiggers. Please read my post here on chiggers and see if that is a possibility. Because you're in contact with fields all the time it could be chigger attacks. Eczema can occur any time in life and the areas you mentioned are prime outbreak spots. It itches, makes leathery patches and can sometimes blister. Outbreaks come and go, research saying many things can bring them on, such as weather, diet, and stress. My son has had it since an infant, and his comes back in the winter but rarely gets an outbreak in summer.

I have done all the research on these but it is too lengthy for me to type here. Look online for Eczema and photos of it, to see if this could be your problem. Next outbreak you should make an appointment with a Dermatologist so they can see the rash first hand. ALSO, keep an "Outbreak Journal". This will be most helpful in determining what happened prior to your outbreaks. When you get another one, write down the date, symptoms, what you ate, and the activities you did. Keep track of any changes, etc. This will help solve the mystery of your rashes. You may have not had poison ivy in the first place. Good luck & keep us informed with your progress.

Longest documented cases? (Approved)Ken D.9/18/2005 0:21 am
  Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Keith9/18/2005 5:10 am
    Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Pete9/18/2005 11:48 am
      Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)henny389/18/2005 1:30 pm
    Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)JEN9/21/2005 10:03 pm
      Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Debbie9/22/2005 2:38 am
  Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)SuziG9/19/2005 4:47 pm
    Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Michelle10/12/2005 8:30 am
  Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)deborah9/20/2005 10:11 pm
  Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)lala9/22/2005 1:20 pm
    Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Debbie9/22/2005 3:58 pm
      Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Jesse9/28/2005 12:40 pm
        Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)SuziG9/28/2005 2:53 pm
        Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Debbie9/28/2005 6:35 pm
          Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Jesse9/28/2005 10:31 pm
            Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Debbie10/1/2005 3:01 am
              Re: Longest documented cases? (Approved)Melanie4/5/2006 11:40 am
                CURE FOR POISON IVY (Approved)Edna7/23/2006 2:16 pm