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Re: PI swelling

Subject: Re: PI swelling
Author: Debbie
Date: 9/16/2005 1:05 am
Views: 3590
Status: Approved
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Dear Joe, Please do not use hot water treatments as suggested by earlier post Liz. They increase blood & fluid flow to the injury. This equals swelling. So many people recommend hot water for itching and if they would only do a little research they would see how it causes the rash to last longer by driving the urushiol oil deeper into the skin layers. Cold water and cloths is actually healing to the rash and takes away the itch safely.

Since your rash covers such a large area on your midriff, the swelling is due to your immune response to the irritant. You didn't say if your stomach has actually blistered yet. If not, it sounds like that is coming next. Some people can get blisters that stand an inch above the normal skin line. Ibuprofen may help with the swelling and pain. Every time I get a severe case of PI, the affected limbs swell and get very stiff due to the swelling.

I have read so many good things about ZANFEL scrub for PI from the Zanfel website that I would recommend it to you because of your severe case. They sell it at CVS and other pharmacy type drugstores. It is expensive ($40) but it sounds like you need it. It will help reduce your rash and swelling if used properly. Just be careful when you scrub, as if you scrub too hard or too long, you can cause even more skin damage. Good luck and let me know how you're doing. [email protected]

PI swelling (Approved)Joe9/14/2005 12:49 pm
  Re: PI swelling (Approved)Liz9/14/2005 2:17 pm
    Re: PI swelling (Approved)Joe9/14/2005 4:42 pm
      Re: PI swelling (Approved)Debbie9/16/2005 1:05 am
        Re: PI swelling (Approved)Pete9/16/2005 8:30 am
          Re: PI swelling (Approved)Liz9/16/2005 3:30 pm
            Re: PI swelling (Approved)Joel9/30/2005 10:16 pm