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Re: Poison? What is this plant?

Subject: Re: Poison? What is this plant?
Author: Visitor
Date: 8/8/2005 11:05 pm
Views: 5570
Status: Approved
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Hi Eric--you are very welcome. What happened was, your question posted twice, and in one I told you how to get rid of the English Ivy safely so you would not kill your Azaleas. I found this info on the web......"Azalea or rhododendron: May cause burning in mouth, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, skin prickling, headache, muscular weakness, dimness of vision, slowed heartbeat, abnormally low blood pressure, coma, convulsions or death." Maybe it is the Azalea that is causing your rash after all. I am allergic to a lot of plant saps myself, not just poison ivy. Better wear gloves & long sleeves next time you go near it. Good Luck! Debbie [email protected]

Poison? What is this plant? (Approved)Erik8/6/2005 4:46 pm
  Re: Poison? What is this plan (Approved)Debbie8/7/2005 8:22 pm
    Re: Poison? What is this plan (Approved)Erik8/8/2005 6:36 pm
      Re: Poison? What is this plan (Approved)Visitor8/8/2005 11:05 pm