I get poison ivy or sumac every summer from weeding my property. I have it right now :( Personally I have found that heat of any kind intensifies the itching. For me, staying cool helps with the itch. Last bout with these rashes, I had to keep applying ice cold wash cloths that were wet & kept in the fridge (actually I used hand towels as they covered a larger area) to relieve the itching and get some sleep. I had to do this for 3 weeks. Out of ALL the remedies I have tried, damp cold cloths are the only thing that keeps the itch at bay. I guarantee this will work for that. Taking super hot showers would cause the capillaries to dilate, and could possibly spread the poison ivy throughout your body through the blood stream, causing a systemic reaction which could be very dangerous! Also, DO NOT put household bleach to dry out open blisters. This again will go the bloodstream and is poisonous. There are safe alternatives such as witch hazel or any facial toner you might already own. Please use common sense when applying things to your skin--it is your largest organ and absorbs everything it comes in contact with. Good luck! |