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Re: How did it start?

Subject: Re: How did it start?
Author: Carrie G
Date: 7/31/2005 11:23 am
Views: 3738
Status: Approved
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I'm on my second bad case of the summer. The first started very suddenly, probably 3 or 4 days after exposure. My arm and left breast started to itch and I scratched absentmindedly. Suddenly I became aware that it really hurt. I looked down, and huge red welts had sprouted up wherever I scratched. No more nursing without hand washing for me!

The current case started as a few red bumps the evening after I did some yard work. I had worn long sleeves, long pants, work gloves, everything. I had washed my hands face, and lower arms immediately afterward with dish soap, then showered my whole body. I must not have gotten all the oil off, because now I'm a red, bumpy, itchy, oozy mess. At least I'm now a week closer to being over this round.

How did it start? (Approved)Nan7/29/2005 4:19 pm
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)JP Smith7/29/2005 10:38 pm
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)Carrie G7/31/2005 11:23 am
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)Dano7/31/2005 2:03 pm
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)Lula8/3/2005 11:22 am
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)Nan8/3/2005 5:25 pm
  Re: How did it start? (Approved)ItchyZi8/17/2005 9:42 am