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Re: spreading to inanimate objects

Subject: Re: spreading to inanimate objects
Author: Visitor
Date: 7/29/2005 1:55 am
Views: 3793
Status: Approved
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Hello Jess,
I'd say sure, why not ? Beats being sorry for not wiping it, but there are many more things you need to wipe down too... anything else you've touched. From what I've been reading, the only way you can get infected is with the sap (urushiol oil) that gets in and under your skin. You could get it on your hand, and transport it to your keyboard (I suppose?), but the same would be true for door knobs, light switches, clothing (pockets, buttons, zippers) chair, etc., etc. so it would be almost everywhere by the time you reached your keyboard.
Mine started with what I thought was 6 or 7 mosquito bites grouped fairly close together, I took a nap and awakened scratching at what I thought were more bites. maybe 20 in total, and I looked around for a bug feasting on me. about 12 hours later I had my entire arm covered in bites and more bites on the other arm that appeared to be getting worse by the minute if I scratched them.
If you have a rash... and it gets worse quickly,eventually with welts that are a bit juicy and swollen lookin' you probably have the poison ivy rash. Mine seems to get worse everyday, I was in contact with poison ivy 2 days ago, and my rash still looks worse now than it did a few hours ago... I've been taking a shower with lots of soap when I get too itchy to ignore it and start to scratch.
Soap and water seems to really relieve the itchyness, but I have to wash about every 4-5 hours. If I rub or scratch the rash area it becomes almost impossible to stop scratching until I wash it again.
I hope I've helped, and I really hope you don't have a Poison Ivy rash... time for me to get into the shower again.
Bye~ :)

spreading to inanimate objects (Approved)jess7/28/2005 0:17 am
  Re: spreading to inanimate obj (Approved)Visitor7/29/2005 1:55 am
  Re: spreading to inanimate obj (Approved)eSCUZZI!7/29/2005 5:56 pm