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Author: Kat
Date: 7/22/2005 2:35 am
Views: 3508
Status: Approved
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I think mine is preading too! Initial outbreak on neck was July 10th. I actually thought the itching that I felt the night before was from a mosquito bite. By late Sunday afternoon of the 10th I had a rash on my neck and then on my ankle. Zanfel seemed to help and some Tecnu as well. I was good not to scratch. By Friday the 15th I was worried it was infected and went to dr. I also noticed that my left breast, on the side, was getting itchy spots. I asked dr. if it was systemic and he laughed. He told me to take antihistamine (I'm on allegra for allergies so he said that was fine) and use ice cubes to help with itching. He said Zanfel was nothing more than soap and I wasted my money! It did help speed up the healing on my neck. Well, I'm out of the stuff and now it's spreading to other areas. I itch all over now and the breast spots are spreading, it's also in a line on my chest above the breast and my initial spot, which is still healing, is itchy again! I'm afraid of steroids so as long as it doesn't get really bad or infected, I'm stuck. Have to ride it out. Funny thing, I have no idea how this all started! I have read on other sites that it could take up to 5 weeks to leave my system! Gee doc, I think it's systemic!!! Good luck!

POISON IVY IS SPREADING!! (Approved)Lisa7/12/2005 12:17 pm
  Re: POISON IVY IS SPREADING!! (Approved)Kat7/22/2005 2:35 am
    Re: POISON IVY IS SPREADING!! (Approved)had it before7/22/2005 10:58 pm
  Re: POISON IVY IS SPREADING!! (Approved)Nan7/25/2005 12:21 pm