Man this is some bbbbaaadddd stuff what suffering it can cause...I would be pouring round up on it , maybe Bleach and if all that doesnt work good old gas will kill it. And then next spring watch alot will sprout back up. i believe the round up and the bleach become totally neutrilized once hit with rain water and wont hurt the creek. the gas im not sure. I have a pool and clorine(bleah) just evaporates and is delutited in the water thats why we add more . the round up has to be sprayed on the leaves of and plant then dry and go to the roots to kill it . pouring water or rain on the plants before it drys will save u would think it would not make it to the creek. i dont know just some of my thoughts im fighting one tiny little vine and it came back this spring i coulded imagine fighting tons of it without being really aggressive...good luck Susan |