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Re: Why does it disapprear and re-appear

Subject: Re: Why does it disapprear and re-appear
Author: Seth
Date: 5/15/2005 2:43 pm
Views: 7948
Status: Approved
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I went to my pediatrician one time for an allergic rxn to poison ivy and she said that as long as the original oil is washed off, the ooze form the blisters wont do anything to u, except if u pop the blisters and they get infected...but she also said that the rxn can go through thew bloodstream and pop up on the skin where the ivy has gone through the blood and then reacted with the skin...soo, i think wat the poison ivy is doing is somehow staying formant in ur bloodstream and just popping up on ur skin in another place

Why does it disapprear and re- (Approved)Jason4/25/2005 10:14 am
  Re: Why does it disapprear and (Approved)shauna4/30/2005 9:06 pm
    Re: Why does it disapprear and (Approved)Seth5/15/2005 2:43 pm