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Re: Poison Oak how long does it last

Subject: Re: Poison Oak how long does it last
Author: Kay
Date: 4/27/2005 9:38 pm
Views: 5446
Status: Approved
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I have Poison Ivy and I can tell you it's going on nearly 2 weeks now that I've had the rash. It is on the decline, no more new outbreaks, but it still itches. Yes, I was on the dose pack and took the steroids. My son also came down with it (we were raking old leaves) and his is already gone. A friend of mine that is a nurse said I had the heavier case because when you first have outbreaks and are young, they are not as severe as when you are older. Otherwise the older you are, and the more times you get it, the more severe the case is because your body does NOT build anything up against it. I guess it just weakens resistance. I'm not sure the dose pack of steroids did much, but psychologically I suppose I thought it did. I've used three tubes of zanfel and benydrl gel during the daytime.

My arms look like I've been to war. I teach school and all of the kids are grossed out by it. I guess it's one way to get them to stay in their seats and raise their hands instead of coming up around the desk all the time!

that's all,,,,I've got to go itch!


Poison Oak how long does it la (Approved)Jacquie4/16/2005 2:38 pm
  Re: Poison Oak how long does i (Approved)ellen4/27/2005 5:59 pm
    Re: Poison Oak how long does i (Approved)Kay4/27/2005 9:38 pm
      Re: Poison Oak how long does i (Approved)jasmin5/10/2005 2:28 pm
        Re: Poison Oak how long does i (Approved)Jeanne7/6/2008 2:48 am
          Re: Poison Oak how long does i (Approved)John7/10/2008 8:13 am