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Re: why does poison ivy itch

Subject: Re: why does poison ivy itch
Author: BRIAN
Date: 12/19/2004 5:56 pm
Views: 9069
Status: Approved
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Poison ivy itches because your confused immune system thinks your body is under attack. Consequently, killer T-cells in your blood stream release enzymes and toxins that lay waste to the surrounds. Fluid oozes from blood and lymphatic vessels, flows over skin, and kills cells�both good guys and those chemically bound to the sap�s active ingredient, urushiol. Your deadly T-cell liquid damages nerve cells and that makes you itch.

why does poison ivy itch (Approved)Angi12/15/2004 8:37 pm
  Re: why does poison ivy itch (Approved)BRIAN12/19/2004 5:56 pm