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Re: Please explain the "oil"

Subject: Re: Please explain the "oil"
Author: ck
Date: 10/22/2004 10:39 am
Views: 6688
Status: Approved
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This website has a lot of good links. I recommend finding the link to the FDA site.

There is another pretty good link on this website that talks about the "Myths" of PI. http://paipm.cas.psu.edu/pivy.html

This is from that link:

"... Poison ivy rash is caused by contact with an oil (uroshiol) from the poison ivy plant. The oil attaches to the outer horny skin cells and the layer of living cells below. Washing with soap and water to remove the oil is an effective control, but such washing normally has to be done within minutes to avoid any rash at all. In addition, washing must be far more thorough than we normally wash our hands in order to be effective.

Outbreaks on other body areas means the oil was transferred to that area from another body part, by articles of clothing, tools, or pets that held the same oil. Remember, it's the contact with the uroshiol oil that causes the reaction. This oil is essentially nonvolatile and can remain on articles and clothing for as much as a year."

Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Poison Ivy Mama10/21/2004 11:29 pm
  Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)ck10/22/2004 10:39 am
    Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Craig10/25/2004 11:20 am
      Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Poison in VA10/25/2004 10:45 pm
        Re: Please explain the "oil" (Approved)Bonnie11/11/2004 8:47 pm