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Covering poison ivy rash

Subject: Covering poison ivy rash
Author: Kaylee
Date: 9/3/2004 10:58 am
Views: 12056
Status: Approved
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I have been told that covering my rash will keep it from healing. I have a small rash on my forearm where my 2 year old grabbs my arm. I know that it will not spread to him but I do not want his hands to burst the blisters. I covered the rash with a light bandage to keep the rash clean and the blister from bursting on his fingers. Will this delay the healing????

Covering poison ivy rash (Approved)Kaylee9/3/2004 10:58 am
  Re: Covering poison ivy rash (Approved)Maggie9/3/2004 3:53 pm
  Re: Covering poison ivy rash (Approved)Brian9/5/2004 2:38 pm