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does PI stay with you forever?

Subject: does PI stay with you forever?
Author: Kimberly
Date: 8/30/2004 11:59 am
Views: 11909
Status: Approved
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I had poison ivy about 5 years ago and get an out break every other year in the same EXACT spot. I got it camping and it is on my rearend. I know for a fact that I haven't exposed that area to any type of sumac, oak, or PI. I got rid of all of my bathing suits and underwear because the dr. told me that the oil can create a resin in those garments. It starts as just a normal itch then the next thing you know it is 20 little blisters within hours. It takes so long to go away in that area because I can't let it breath to heal except at night. There is a nasty scar there, is it possible that it will never fully heal? Could it keep coming back because of the scar?

Any info, theories, advice would be greatly appreciated

does PI stay with you forever? (Approved)Kimberly8/30/2004 11:59 am
  Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)Kathy8/30/2004 11:14 pm
  Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)anonim9/5/2004 7:09 pm
    Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)kimberly9/6/2004 1:50 am
  Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)Brian9/10/2004 3:33 pm
    Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)Henry9/12/2004 3:55 am
      Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)kimberly9/14/2004 5:39 pm
        Re: does PI stay with you fore (Approved)CBS11/28/2004 4:52 am