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My husband has poison in his mouth

Subject: My husband has poison in his mouth
Author: Cimyss
Date: 7/24/2004 0:56 am
Views: 13360
Status: Approved
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Please help my is husband covered in posion ivy both arms legs and his side and it has gotten in his mouth. he has had it a week now and is barely eating.tonig Will it go away as he insits or should I ask him to seek medical attentionhe actually threw his dinner away it seems to be getting worse and when i looked in his mouth i saw atleast 6 red blisters.

My husband has poison in his (Approved)Cimyss7/24/2004 0:56 am
  Re: My husband has poison in (Approved)Jackson7/24/2004 3:20 pm
  Re: My husband has poison in (Approved)Carla7/26/2004 5:24 pm
    Re: My husband has poison in (Approved)Kurt from L.I.7/28/2004 10:50 pm