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still spreading after 9 days?

Subject: still spreading after 9 days?
Author: Pamela
Date: 7/14/2004 6:30 am
Views: 15624
Status: Approved
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I live in France and they don't have PI here or docs who know anything about it. Picked it up 9 days ago in VA. Covering 75% of my body. Miserable. It is still spreading though I am being so careful; all gardening clothes were left in USA so I'm not reinfecting that way. It has to be spreading in the bath water or by tossing in the bed at night. Will sun help or make it worse? Tried everything on this great site to no avail. Just took my 3rd day of oral prednisone and it still seems to be worsening. Please advise. How is it spreading?

still spreading after 9 days? (Approved)Pamela7/14/2004 6:30 am
  Re: still spreading after 9 da (Approved)Adrienne7/14/2004 9:57 am
    Re: still spreading after 9 da (Approved)Pamela7/14/2004 12:25 pm
      Re: still spreading after 9 da (Approved)Kurt from L.I.7/14/2004 7:46 pm
      Re: still spreading after 9 da (Approved)Kurt from L.I.7/14/2004 8:36 pm