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Re: bruising with poison oak

Subject: Re: bruising with poison oak
Author: Sealy in Tallahassee
Date: 7/5/2004 8:14 pm
Views: 16142
Status: Approved
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Me too! I have bruises on my thigh,along with the poison ivy/oak.I have never experienced this effect before. I thought it was rather odd, but now I know I'm not alone.

bruising with poison oak (Approved)marilyn6/24/2004 0:08 am
  Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)CarolSW6/24/2004 11:02 pm
    Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Marilyn6/25/2004 0:35 am
      Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Patricia6/27/2004 10:14 am
      Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Mandy , WV8/17/2010 10:56 pm
        Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Deb in VA9/7/2013 1:46 am
  Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Karen in NJ7/5/2004 6:22 pm
    Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Sealy in Tallahassee7/5/2004 8:14 pm
      Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Gail7/7/2004 11:58 am
        Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)maria9/27/2004 7:48 pm
          Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Leslie6/29/2006 0:11 am
            Re: bruising with poison oak/i (Approved)JR6/11/2010 6:17 pm
        Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Elana9/16/2009 4:47 pm
    Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Crissi from KY6/29/2009 10:43 pm
      Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)John4/22/2010 7:55 pm
        Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Hannah6/25/2012 8:23 pm
  Re: bruising with poison oak (Approved)Ronda11/30/2012 1:59 pm