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Poison Sumac

Subject: Poison Sumac
Author: Katherine
Date: 6/28/2004 7:59 pm
Views: 15647
Status: Approved
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This may seem redundant, but in looking over the site, I read several places where it specifically says that Poison Ivy isn't contagious, but it never mentions Poison Sumac. The reason I wanted to be 100% clear on this is...

My sister went to her husbands base (he's in the service) for a visit Friday. I don't want to be indelicate what they spent their time doing, but while they were in the shower, he mentioned he had Poisoned Sumac. Yesterday she noticed the itching and rash on her stomach. She hasn't been anywhere to have contracted this herself in the last two days, particularly not just on her stomach. I would think if she had somehow come across the plant she would also have it on her hands or something to that effect, since she isn't one to walk around in cutoff tops or anything exposing her stomach like that. But the fact that her husband has this, and now she does, makes her presume that is what's causing her rash.

So does the 'not contagious' apply to all the 'Poison' plants?

Poison Sumac (Approved)Katherine6/28/2004 7:59 pm