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Re: 4yr old-HELP!!

Subject: Re: 4yr old-HELP!!
Author: Len
Date: 6/22/2004 1:55 am
Views: 13836
Status: Approved
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I know your daughter must be miserable. If she is on steroids, that will help. I have to get a steroid shot about twice a summer. I am highly allergic and I can touch poison ivy on my foot and in two days it is all over my body. Benedryl will help soothe the itching, Aveeno baths (lots of Aveeno), Zanfel is a good, but expensive scrub to use while bathing. If Benedryl doesn't relieve the itching, I take a perscription called Atarax, but I don't know if that is okay for a 4 year old. Good luck and I hope she gets better soon. I know how she feels. I am just now healing from ugly scabs on my arms and legs from contacting poison ivy on May 29th.

4yr old-HELP!! (Approved)luv2kids6/20/2004 2:30 pm
  Re: 4yr old-HELP!! (Approved)Len6/22/2004 1:55 am